Ignite Matrix

What is Ignite Matrix?

Ignite Matrix is a comprehensive warm-up program designed to prepare your body for peak performance, whether it’s game day, practice, or any physically demanding activity. Using a combination of key templates, this program will improve your mobility, strength, and stability while reducing the risk of injury.

  • Preparation

    Prepares your body for intense physical activity

  • Mobility

    Improves joint mobility and overall flexibility

  • Strength

    Strengthens key muscle groups, especially hips and spine

  • Injury Prevention

    Helps prevent common sports injuries

  • Suitable

    Suitable for athletes at any level—high school, college, or professional.

Ignite Matrix comes with the following carefully selected training templates to help you perform at your best

What's Included

Foam Rolling

Essential for myofascial release and flexibility.

Band Bridge Series

Builds hip and spine stability for a strong foundation.

Shoulder Matrix Ground

Improves shoulder strength and mobility, critical for overhead atheltes.

T Spine Matrix

Increase thoracic spine mobility, boosting posture and enhancing full body function.

Get these templates and start building a solid warm-up routine

How to Use Ignite Matrix

Ignite Matrix is designed to be used before any practice, game, or workout session. Spend 10-20 minutes following these templates, and you'll be ready to perform your best.

  • 1. Select Template

    Select your template (start with Foam Rolling, then follow with Band Bridge Series, Shoulder Matrix, and T-Spine Matrix).

  • 2. Use Equipment

    Use the equipment included in the program.

  • 3. Prepare

    Warm up your body systematically to be ready for peak performance.